Latest news
  • We are recruiting new active members! Have a look at the vacancies here!
  • The SYIS and SSAI are starting a mentoring program! Apply as a mentor or a mentee here.

The Swiss Young Immunologists Society (SYIS) aims to build a network of young immunologists in Switzerland to defend our interests and increase our visibility on National and European levels.

The SYIS is supported by the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SSAI) and is part of the EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS).


News and Blog

Women in Science – Prof. Emma Slack

Photo Credit: Emma Slack  Emma Slack is a Full Professor of Mucosal Immunology at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health (D-​HEST) ETH Zurich. Her research (ETH Zurich – Mucosal Immunology) focuses on understanding the interactions between the immune system, diet, and intestinal microbiota. Originally from the United Kingdom, she studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, UK and did her PhD on pattern recognition receptor signaling (2003-​2006) in the lab of Caetano Reis e Sousa at the London…

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Science Communication in Academia – what’s expected outside of writing papers?

By Sinduya Krishnarajah, Postdoctoral Scientist, Becher lab. Illustration by Anne-Gaëlle Goubet for SYIS. Almost 5 years ago to the day, I landed in Zurich for a week of interviews with fellow Life Scientists hunting for PhD positions. I checked onto the return flight with a wide grin that I couldn’t wipe off my face for several days; an outward display of the mix of excitement and anticipation I was feeling as I’d secured a position at the University…

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Sum of i^2: Interdisciplinary immunology

By Lorenz Adlung. Illustration by Anne-Gaëlle Goubet for SYIS. I love immunology. Studying the immune system in all its complexity is thrilling and fascinating. It is challenging, but every day, I learn something new: Seeing things from a different angle. It is my firm belief that immunology is a research branch that offers, but also requires, particularly versatile perspectives.

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